Terms & Conditions :: Patron
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Terms & Conditions

1. General

General Terms and Conditions have been prepared in accordance with the provisions on the protection of consumers, based on the recommendations of the Economic Chamber of Slovenia and international codes for the Web and electronic commerce. The Patron online store (hereinafter referred to as a "web store") is operated by Patron d.o.o., the service provider of electronic commerce (hereinafter referred to as "Merchant"). By registering to obtain a visitor to store your user name, which is equal to its e-mail address and user password specified by the user. Username and password unambiguously define and connect the data input. Visitor registration certifies and warrants that it is an adult, a complete person with legal capacity. By registering, the visitor becomes a user and obtain the right to purchase. By purchasing the product the user becomes the buyer. With these general terms are defined in the online store, rights and duties of the visitor, user and customer and business relationship between traders and consumers as buyers of products from online shops.


2. Availability of information

The trader is obliged to be always available to the user: - the identity of the trader (mostly business name and registered office and registration number, where the company is registered); - contact details which enable quick and effective communication with the trader (e-mail address, phone, etc..) - information about the essential characteristics of products or. services purchased online store, including after-sales services and guarantees; - availability of products or. services purchased online store; - manner and conditions of delivery or product. execution of services, location and time of delivery; - information on the method of payment; - Details of the bid validity period from the online store; - information about the period in which it is possible to withdraw from the contract and conditions for withdrawal; - information about the possible return of the product and whether and how such cost recovery user; - information about the complaint process and the user data of the contact the merchant to contact the user.


3. Product range, delivery and acceptance

Offer products at the online store is due to the nature of business over the internet and often rapidly changing and being updated. Delivery time of products in stock, is 2 working days for delivery addresses in Slovenia, unless the Post of Slovenia on the individual delivery address delivered later (see section 10). For other products with delivery addresses in Slovenia delivery date which is stated on the product online. Every product from an online store is available within a reasonable period of time. The user can submit the purchase order shall designate one of the following acquisition of products: - in person at the company headquarters, in this case does not pay postage costs; - Delivery by mail, in this case, also pay postal charges. - Delivery by Merchant (costs apply acordingly to the merchants pricelist)

4. Methods of payment

Merchant user provides the following methods of payment of the purchase of products from online stores: - cash at the reception - with a previous transfer of the purchase price to the bank account of the trader by offering or manufactured - credit card (BA, Maestro, Diners Club, Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa) - Delayed payment conditions fort he customers with whom the Merchant has a valid business agrement Payment with credit card is only possible if owner’s personal data are the same as in the web shops user database.

5. Prices

Online price applies to all registered users online store dealer. All prices online are in euro and include VAT, unless explicitly stated otherwise. All prices are valid at the time of contract award and have a predetermined force, and therefore subject only to their respective changes. Despite enormous efforts to ensure the trader most updated and accurate information, it may happen that the information on the price wrong. In the case of the preceding sentence and in the case where the product price changes during the processing of orders, from the time of award of contract approval, the dealer: - user (customer) to messages and notifications of new prices, the user (customer) has in this case the option to change your order, or partially or fully cancel or confirm an order for new prices, all at no extra cost, or - user (customer) allow cancellation of the purchase and he also offered a solution that will go to the mutual benefit and satisfaction.

6. The purchase process

6.1 Technical steps leading to the conclusion of the contract of sale

In the process of purchase, the user (buyer) is available following technical steps: - sign in the store using e-mail address or user password, if you are a user (buyer) has previously developed a user account (see also point 1); - search for each product to offer products online; - selection of product to buy; - Add selected product to buy into the shopping cart; - determine the quantity of product to buy into the shopping cart; - check the selected product prices in the selected amount, plus accrued taxes, if this account; - choice of method of delivery of the product (see also section 3 and 10); - choice of payment method (see also section 4); - Review the contract with the chosen method of delivery of the product and shipping charges accrued, if you charge and - approval and award of the contract and the completion of this acquisition (see also section 6.3. and 6.4.).

6.2. Technological means for identifying and correcting errors prior to contract award

Prior to contract award, the user (customer) via a graphical user interface, able to with immediate effect, simply and easily: - see and review which products are selected and added to the shopping cart; - see and review the price of the product and the total price of the total quantity of each product selected; - change the selected quantity of each product and calculates the new price by the quantity modified; - removes the selected product, you do not want to buy from the basket and - corresponding tax charge, according to the tax rate applicable to the selected product and its price (tax base). - Prior to approval of the contract is a user (customer) via a graphical user interface allows you to, with immediate effect, simply and easily: - change the selected method of delivery of the product; - change the selected method of payment and - review and approve each change.

6.3. Order adopted

After contract award the user (buyer) of the dealer by e-mail received notice that the contract is accepted. Within an hour of receiving this notice, the user (customer) the option to cancel the contract without consequences. As an alternative to revocation of a user (buyer) after placing the order can not change the substance of the contract. User (customer) in his profile on the website of the dealer is always available comprehensive information on the status and content of each order.

6.4. Order confirmed

If the user (customer) order is not withdrawn, a contract for further processing. Merchant review after receiving an order, check availability of ordered products and the order confirmed or rejected on the ground. Merchant can verify the information or guarantee the accuracy of delivery and telephone contact of the user (buyer) of the reported contact telephone number. In approving the contract dealer user (customer) by e-mail informed of the expected time of delivery. Purchase agreement to purchase the ordered items between users (buyers) and the trader is at this stage definitively concluded (see item 7).

6.5. Goods shipped to

Trader within the agreed time ordered products prepared, and despatched it by e-mail notify the user (customer). The e-mail from the previous sentence dealer instructed the user (customer) and the return policy and product ga note of the contact persons in case of complaint or delay in delivery.

7. Contract of sale

Merchant user who buys a product from an online store, issue an invoice in writing, with disaggregated costs and an explanation of the right to cancel the purchase to return the product purchased, if necessary and possible. Purchase contract in the form of a purchase order is electronically stored on the server and the user-trader (buyer), accessible at any time in his user profile. Purchase agreement was concluded in the Slovenian language. Purchase agreement between the dealers and users (customers) is entered into at the moment Merchant confirms the order (see section 6.2.). From this point on, all prices and other conditions of purchase and are fixed for both traders and the user (customer).

8. The right to withdraw from the purchase, the return of products

The user (buyer) has the right to, within 14 days of acceptance of the ordered products to retailers contact email address, give notice to withdraw from the contract of sale, where it is not necessary to specify the reason for the decision. Return purchased products within retailers to withdraw from the contract of sale is deemed to be the message of resignation. The only cost to withdraw from the contract of sale is charged to the user (customer), the cost of returning goods retailers. Purchased items must be returned to retailers within 30 days from the day filed notice of withdrawal from the contract of sale. Purchased items must be returned to retailers intact in its original packaging and in the same amount, unless the products are destroyed, corrupted, lost, or their quantity reduced, without the fault of the user (buyer). If the mail package, a user (buyer) will receive the products ordered, physically damaged, if it lacks content, or if it shows signs of opening, the user (customer) complaints brought before the Post of Slovenia (see item 15). Of return does not apply to software, audio and video media, or if the user (buyer) opened the safety seal. For returned products merchant user (customer) as soon as possible but no later than 30 days from receipt of the resignation of return paid amount disbursed or gift certificate, if any deployed promotional codes and discounts, the user (customer) does not return. Repayment amount shall be paid to the dealer or personal. bank account of the user (customer). Deployed a voucher stockist returns in the form of credit.

9. Warranty

Products are warranted, if so stated on the invoice or warranty card. This warranty is valid by following the instructions and requirements listed on the warranty, and upon presentation. The warranty period is stated on the warranty card or invoice. Warranty information is also listed on the presentation of the product online. If the online store warranty information is not, then the product has no warranty. The user (buyer) you can claim warranty the dealer or directly from the manufacturer of the product or its authorized service center. The warranty is the purchaser exercises the guarantee card and invoice. Or manufacturer. his authorized dealer must perform warranty service within 45 days of receipt of the product for repair, otherwise replace it with another product, an equivalent product in perfect condition.

10. Delivery

The dealer will deliver the ordered products the user (buyer) within the agreed time. The contracting party retailer for delivery inside Slovenia is the POŠTA SLOVENIJE d.o.o.. The contracting party retailer for delivery outsicde Slovenia is the DHL d.o.o..Merchant reserves the right to choose another delivery service, if this contract can be met more effectively. In case of acceptance of products by mail delivery the buyer pays postage.

11. Security

The trader uses the appropriate technological and organizational means to protect the transmission and storage of personal data and payment. Trader for this purpose uses 128-bit SSL certificate that is issued by a duly authorized organization. For safe credit card transaction ADYEN sistem is used. Safety is the responsibility of the user, both to ensure the security of your username and password and the appropriate software and antivirus protection on your computer.

12. Responsibility

The trader shall use its best efforts to ensure currency and accuracy of the information posted to its online store, but may be properties of the products, delivery time or price change so rapidly that the trader fails to timely correct the information, which are published online. In this case the trader user (customer), notifications of changes, and enable him to cancel the contract or amendment to the contract (see point 5). Although the trader tries to provide accurate images of the products for sale online, all photographs taken as symbolic. Photos do not provide the properties of the product. A trader from the time of posting as ordered in the mail on products shall not be liable for situations where there is physical damage, destruction or loss of items, just as if there is a lack of content in the shipment or if shipment is showing signs of opening. In those cases, the user (customer) complaints brought before the Post of Slovenia. In the case of damaged items shall do so to bring the shipment to the post office in the same condition as received, without anything added or removed, and complete reclamation record. Merchant with the Post of Slovenia will ensure that complaints resolved within the shortest possible time.

13. Complaints, disputes and applicable law

Trader rules in force in the field of consumer protection. The trader has in place an effective system for dealing with complaints and has a certain person, which in case of problems the user (buyer) can connect by e-mail. Complaint the user (buyer) submits to the email address Complaint procedure is confidential. Merchant shall, within five working days, acknowledge to have received a complaint and communications user (the customer), how long it will be dealt with and kept informed about the procedure. The trader will try their best possible disputes amicably. If an amicable settlement is not reached, any dispute between merchants and customers (buyers), exclusive territorial jurisdiction of the competent court in Ljubljana. Dealer and user (customer) as a participant in the electronic commerce mutually recognize the validity of emails in court. These General Terms and Conditions and all disputes between traders and consumers (buyers) and is applicable substantive and processually Slovenian law in excluding the private international law rules that would dictate the use of any other law. For all relationships and the rights and obligations which are not governed by these General Conditions shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Code of Obligations Act, the Electronic Commerce Act, the Personal Information Protection and Consumer Protection Act.

14. Amendments to General Terms and Conditions

A trader in the event of changes to regulations governing the operations of online stores, data protection and other areas relating to the performance shop trader, and in case of change of its commercial policy changes and / or supplement these terms and conditions, and will always informed users in an appropriate manner, which is considered particularly information via the website Changes occur and / or amendment of the General Terms and Conditions shall take effect and be applied to the eight-day expiry date of the publication of changes and / or additions. If the amendment and / or supplement the General Terms and Conditions necessary to comply with the regulations, this exception may change and / or amendment shall take effect and use in less time. The user who changes and / or additions to these General Terms and Conditions does not agree, shall within eight days from the publication of a notice of change and / or supplement the General Terms and Conditions to cancel your registration by following the expiry of that period considered and the evidence to the contrary is not admissible the user to change and / or supplement the General Terms and Conditions of admission. Revocation of registration must be done so that a user with a written statement retailers communicate the cancellation.

General conditions are adopted in Ljubljana on 1.7.2016

We wish you a pleasant and attractive shopping at our online store!

© Patron. Spletna trgovina Shopamine. Nastavitve piškotkov Moji podatki

Na spletni strani Patron poleg obveznih piškotkov uporabljamo še analitične in oglaševalske piškotke ter piškotke družbenih omrežij.

V kolikor s tem soglašate, vas prosimo da kliknete na gumb "POTRJUJEM". Za natančen opis in nastavitev rabe posameznih piškotkov, kliknite na gumb NASTAVITVE PIŠKOTKOV.

Upravljanje s piškotki na spletnem mestu Patron
Obvezni piškotki

so piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za pravilno delovanje spletne strani in brez njih prenos sporočil v komunikacijskem omrežju ne bi bil mogoč. Ti piškotki so prav tako potrebni, da vam v podjetju lahko ponudimo storitve, ki so na voljo na naši spletni strani. Omogočajo prijavo v uporabniški profil, izbiro jezika, strinjanje s pogoji in identifikacijo uporabnikove seje. Za njihovo uporabo nismo dolžni pridobiti soglasja.

Analitični piškotki

Ti piškotki nam pomagajo razumeti, kako naši obiskovalci uporabljajo našo spletno stran. S pomočjo njih izboljšujemo uporabniško izkušnjo in ugotavljamo zahteve in trende uporabnikov. Te piškotke uporabljamo le, če ste s tem izrecno soglašali.

Oglaševalski piškotki

Vtičniki in orodja tretjih oseb, uporabljeni kot piškotki, omogočajo delovanje funkcionalnosti, pomagajo analizirati pogostost obiskovanja in način uporabe spletnih strani. Če se z uporabo teh posameznik ne strinja, se piškotki ne bodo namestili, lahko pa se zgodi, da zato nekatere zanimive funkcije posameznega spletnega mesta ne bodo na voljo. Te piškotke uporabljamo le, če ste s tem izrecno soglašali.

Piškotki družbenih omrežij

Omogočajo zagotavljanje vsebin za objavo v socialnih omrežjih in si zabeležijo vaše odločitve, da lahko zagotavljajo bolj osebno in izboljšano uporabniško izkušnjo. Te piškotke uporabljamo le, če ste ob uporabi spletnih strani prijavljeni v uporabniški račun Twitter, Facebook oziroma Google.

1. Splošno o piškotkih 1.1. Kaj so piškotki

Piškotki so male besedilne datoteke, ki jih večina sodobnih spletnih mest shrani v naprave uporabnikov, torej oseb, ki s svojimi napravami katerimi dostopajo določene spletne strani na internetu. Njihovo shranjevanje je pod popolnim nadzorom uporabnika, saj lahko v brskalniku, ki ga uporabnik uporablja, hranjenje piškotkov omeji ali onemogoči.

Tudi ob obisku spletne strani in njenih podstrani, ter ob izvajanju operacij na strani, se na vaš računalnik, telefon oziroma tablica, samodejno oziroma ob vašem izrecnem soglasju namestijo določeni piškotki, preko katerih se lahko beležijo različni podatki.

1.2. Kako delujejo in zakaj jih potrebujemo?

Vsakemu obiskovalcu oziroma nakupovalcu je ob začetku vsakokratne uporabe spletne trgovine dodeljen piškotek za identifikacijo in zagotavljanje sledljivosti (t.i. "cookie"). Strežniki, ki jih podjetju nudi podizvajalec, samodejno zbirajo podatke o tem kako obiskovalci, trgovci oziroma nakupovalci uporabljajo spletno trgovino ter te podatke shranjujejo v obliki dnevnika uporabe (t.i. »activity log«). Strežniki shranjujejo informacije o uporabi spletne trgovine, statistične podatke in IP številke. Podatke o uporabi spletne trgovine s strani nakupovalcev lahko podjetje uporablja za anonimne statistične obdelave, ki služijo izboljševanju uporabniške izkušnje in za trženje izdelkov in/ali storitev preko spletne trgovine.

Posredno in ob pridobitvi soglasja, lahko spletna trgovina na napravo obiskovalca oziroma nakupovalca shrani tudi piškotke zunanjih storitev (npr. Google Analytics) ki služijo zbiranju podatkov o obiskih spletnih mestih. Glede zunanjih storitev veljajo pravilniki in splošni pogoji o obdelovanju osebnih podatkov, ki so dostopni na spodnjih povezavah.

2. Dovoljenje za uporabo piškotkov

Če so vaše nastavitve v brskalniku s katerim obiskujete spletno mesto takšne, da sprejemajo piškotke, pomeni, da se z njihovo uporabo strinjate. V primeru, da ne želite uporabljati piškotkov na tem spletnih mest ali jih odstraniti, lahko postopek za to preberete spodaj. Toda odstranitev ali blokiranje piškotkov lahko rezultira v neoptimalnem delovanju tega spletnega mesta.

3. Obvezni in neobvezni piškotki ter vaše soglasje 3.1. Podjetje za uporabo obveznih piškotkov ni dolžno pridobiti vašega soglasja (obvezni piškotki):

Obvezni piškotki so piškotki, ki so nujno potrebni za pravilno delovanje spletne strani in brez njih prenos sporočil v komunikacijskem omrežju ne bi bil mogoč. Ti piškotki so prav tako potrebni, da vam v podjetju lahko ponudimo storitve, ki so na voljo na naši spletni strani. Omogočajo prijavo v uporabniški profil, izbiro jezika, strinjanje s pogoji in identifikacijo uporabnikove seje.

3.2. Piškotki, ki niso nujni z vidika normalnega delovanja spletne strani, in za katere smo dolžni pridobiti vaše soglasje (neobvezni piškotki):

Analitični piškotki

Ti piškotki nam pomagajo razumeti, kako naši obiskovalci uporabljajo našo spletno stran. S pomočjo njih izboljšujemo uporabniško izkušnjo in ugotavljamo zahteve in trende uporabnikov. Te piškotke uporabljamo le, če ste s tem izrecno soglašali.

Oglaševalski piškotki

Vtičniki in orodja tretjih oseb, uporabljeni kot piškotki, omogočajo delovanje funkcionalnosti, pomagajo analizirati pogostost obiskovanja in način uporabe spletnih strani. Če se z uporabo teh posameznik ne strinja, se piškotki ne bodo namestili, lahko pa se zgodi, da zato nekatere zanimive funkcije posameznega spletnega mesta ne bodo na voljo. Te piškotke uporabljamo le, če ste s tem izrecno soglašali.

Piškotki družbenih omrežij

Omogočajo zagotavljanje vsebin za objavo v socialnih omrežjih in si zabeležijo vaše odločitve, da lahko zagotavljajo bolj osebno in izboljšano uporabniško izkušnjo. Te piškotke uporabljamo le, če ste ob uporabi spletnih strani prijavljeni v uporabniški račun Twitter, Facebook oziroma Google.

5. Kako upravljati s piškotki?

S piškotki lahko upravljate s klikom na povezavo "Nastavitve piškotkov" v nogi spletne strani.

Nastavitve za piškotke pa lahko nadzirate in spreminjate tudi v svojem spletnem brskalniku.

V primeru, da želite izbrisati piškotke iz vaše naprave, vam svetujemo, da se držite opisanih postopkov, s tem pa si boste najverjetneje omejili funkcionalnost ne samo našega spletnega mesta, ampak tudi večino ostalih spletnih mest, saj je uporaba piškotkov stalnica velike večine sodobnih spletnih mest.